Breaking Creative Ruts

May 15, 2024

Breaking Creative Ruts with Fresh Perspectives

Getting stuck creatively can happen to the best of us. When you've spent a week on a design, it's easy to get trapped in your own perspective. Here's a simple yet effective way to break out of that rut: seek fresh opinions.

Find someone who represents your target audience but isn't involved in the project. Their honest, unfiltered feedback can be invaluable.

When I'm stuck on a marketing design, I ask friends for their opinions. They often provide straightforward, insightful feedback that I wouldn't have considered.


  • New Perspectives:
    Gain fresh insights that can unlock new creative directions.
  • Authentic Reactions:
    Understand how your design will be perceived by actual consumers.

Don't rely solely on other professionals for feedback. Sometimes, the most honest and helpful insights come from those who will be interacting with your work. Break out of your creative rut by seeking fresh perspectives.